Event Portal 2023
Find the 2023 Vampires: The Darkside Event Portal.
Find the “2023 Event Portal” for VDS online, at https://www.kwaaigames.com/Scream/EventPortal.html (the link opens in a new tab), 🙂
KcB — And Mashup of Digital Rhetorics |=|*~*|===|*~*|=| kylecblanchard.net
|=| | KcB: And Digital Rhetorics Mashup | |=| |+| |~☆~| )[|*|]( — |=| — ]|~~*~~|[*___/*] — kylecblanchard.net
Posted on March 9, 2023, 10:55 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).
Modified on March 9, 2023, 3:19 pm by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).
Permalink/"permanent link" — Event Portal 2023 (https://www.kylecblanchard.net/kylecblanchard/2023/03/09/vampires-the-darkside/event-portal-2023/)
Find the 2023 Vampires: The Darkside Event Portal.
Find the “2023 Event Portal” for VDS online, at https://www.kwaaigames.com/Scream/EventPortal.html (the link opens in a new tab), 🙂